Mob: 07891 144480

I have ten years of experience with Gestalt therapy, and I am currently approaching the end of my training completing a four and a half year post graduate diploma in Gestalt Psychotherapy at Gestalt Centre Wales.
I am an advocate for autonomy, choice and change. My own experience of Gestalt therapy led me to challenge the old adage that a leopard can’t change its spots, and I have learned that developing self-awareness is key to unlocking the potential for our personal development. With awareness, desire and support, real and meaningful change is always possible.
I have not had what you might consider a traditional route to becoming a psychotherapist. Before embarking on my journey with Gestalt therapy I qualified with a degree in industrial design, opened and ran a hostel, have worked as a tradesman in the building industry and currently, alongside my therapy practice, run my own business as an artisan craftsman (Made by Greig). Although perhaps not obvious, these varied experiences all have their relevance to my Gestalt therapy practice. The degree exposed me to the world of academic study. Time in hospitality nurtured my listening and interpersonal skills. My building work kept me grounded and taught me to craft and now my artistic work develops through my experimentation and creativity.
For more information or to book your first session please get in touch.
07891 144480